
The Fifth Season RPG Pre-Order Store

Created by Green Ronin Publishing

N.K. Jemisin’s multiple Hugo Award-winning Broken Earth Trilogy comes to tabletop RPGs in The Fifth Season Roleplaying Game!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fifth Season March 2023 Update
over 1 year ago – Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 11:53:23 AM

Is it really March already? Joseph Carriker is here with our monthly update to keep you informed of where we are in the process. One important note however is that the pledge manager is not quite ready for launch, as we are still negotiating the cheapest shipping rates possible, particularly for our international backers! But we should have more news there in the coming weeks.

Take it away, Joe!

Happy Spring, all! 
Firstly, we’d like to take a moment to thank all of you for your enthusiasm and support in this little campaign of ours. We’re excited about the possibilities of exploring N.K. Jemisin’s setting of The Stillness, especially using our AGE system.
(If you’re interested in some of the other new developments in AGE-land, take a look at the second edition of Fantasy AGE, now available for pre-order here: . You can get the PDF immediately with your pre-order for just $5 extra. Pre-order and start reading right away!)
Let’s take a look at this project’s status at the moment, shall we?
Fifth Season Core Rulebook: With the exception of an adventure added as a stretch goal, this book has been written and edited. We’re incorporating some of N.K. Jemisin’s feedback into the text and gearing up the Great Art Machine to start on some awesome visuals, in the Green Ronin tradition. Once Miroq Festival (see following) is through editing, we can get this bad boy into layout.
Miroq Festival Adventure: This excellent adventure by Alice Rendell was a stretch goal for the campaign. At this point, it has been developed and is about to go into edits. Once that is done, all the text for the core rulebook will be finished and ready to go (as mentioned above). 
Game Moderator’s Kit: In development. The bonus stretch goal adventure, Nell Raban’s excellent Ruin-Under, is written and developed, and about to go into edits alongside Miroq Festival
We’ve just started work outlining the other campaign rewards: Comms of the Stillness, Comm Creation Folio, People of the Stillness, and the Fifth Season Digital Map Pack. More details about these as we solidify them! We’ve got a lot of cool stuff to look forward to, and we’re excited to share it with you in the coming weeks.

~Joseph Carriker, 

Missed the campaign? It's not too late!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 02, 2023 at 11:02:06 AM

For anyone who may have missed the campaign, but still wanted to get a copy of the game, we have launched the Pre-Order Store on Backerkit!

Check it out right here!

Note that if you are already a backer, this is not the place to add things to an existing pledge. We'll have the pledge manager up and running soon, and that will be where you can add any dice, books, or the GM Kit to your pledge, as well as enter your shipping info.

That's A Wrap!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Feb 23, 2023 at 07:26:25 PM

Thank you so much to all of our amazing backers for helping us not only fund this campaign, but also reach so many stretch goals! It's been quite a ride.

So what comes next?

The first thing will be to get the pre-order store on Backerkit running, so anyone who happened to miss the campaign still has a chance to order a copy of the game!

Next up, the pledge manager will be coming soon! With it, you'll be able to finalize any add-ons you may want, upgrade or change your pledge levels, preview shipping fees, and enter your address for when we begin fulfillment. At the moment, we're still working with our fulfillment partners to get the lowest shipping rates possible, so this part may take just a bit longer.

We'll have monthly updates on production progress, and we'll give everyone a heads up when the pledge manager is about to go live. We'll also make sure everyone has advance notice when we lock down pledges (meaning no more changes to your order or address), and warn you when we're getting ready to charge for shipping.

We'll try to stay on top of any comments here in the community page, but the very BEST way to reach out to us with a question, a concern, or a potential issue, is to send us an email to [email protected].

And finally, in addition to our heartfelt thanks, everyone here at Green Ronin is going to take a day or two to try and remember what a "normal week" feels like.

Thanks everyone!

Fifth Season Preview: When Are We?
over 1 year ago – Thu, Feb 23, 2023 at 11:56:17 AM

Readers already familiar with the Broken Earth trilogy may wonder: When during the context of the novels is the Fifth Season RPG set?

As readers already know, the Broken Earth novels tell an in-depth story of their main characters and their story has significant effects on the world and its future. Therefore, the decision was made to set the Fifth Season RPG sometime prior to the key events of the first novel, The Fifth Season, although it’s entirely possible to set your Fifth Season campaign during the events of the novels, looking at how your comm deals with all that unfolds during them, if you wish.

The RPG looks at things on a much more local level than the novels, although you can decide to take the future of the world in an entirely different direction, if you want. One of the great things about roleplaying games is they place imaginary worlds into the hands of your game group, to spin out your own stories however you want. They also allow us to explore different aspects of a fictional setting in ways the source fiction did not, or only touched upon.

Deadciv Ruins

One aspect of this for Fifth Season is the concept of “deadcivs,” long-dead civilizations and the ruins they have left behind. The history of the Stillness is tens of thousands of years, significantly longer than the entirety of recorded human history in our modern world. There have been many Seasons over that time, and untold numbers of comms and entire civilizations have come and gone, to say nothing of what may have existed in the time before stonelore was first recorded, in the lost annals of human history.

While most deadciv ruins have been buried, crushed, or otherwise destroyed by the churning, shaking, and thrashing of Father Earth, the potential for artifacts, remnants, or even some surviving locations of those lost civilizations is a rich field for Fifth Season Game Moderators. They can offer unusual places for characters to explore, filled with their own hazards. Unique items may intrigue and fascinate Innovators in the comm, while deadciv artifacts can be treasures to make a comm thrive — or lead other comms to covet what they have. With “sufficiently advanced technology” most deadciv artifacts can serve as the equivalent of “magic items” in a Fifth Season setting, although far more rare and more easily misunderstood than their fantasy RPG equivalents.