
The Fifth Season RPG Pre-Order Store

Created by Green Ronin Publishing

N.K. Jemisin’s multiple Hugo Award-winning Broken Earth Trilogy comes to tabletop RPGs in The Fifth Season Roleplaying Game!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge Manager news!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 11:26:07 AM

Hello Backers!

Before we turn things over to Joseph Carriker for the latest progress update (we'll post that separately, because it's a pretty big one), we have some news about the Pledge Manger at last!

It's taken much longer than expected, but we're ready to start sending out surveys for your pledges! Some of you may have noticed that global shipping costs have dramatically increased over the last several months, but we've managed to finally arrange with our fulfillment partners for rates that accurately reflect our estimate during the campaign. 

For those of you who are new to crowdfunding campaigns, here's what happens next: Along with this update, we'll be initially sending out surveys for what is called a "smoke test". This is a small percentage of backers across every pledge tier, so we can test out the pledge manager and make sure everything runs smoothly. We'll keep an eye on how things go over the weekend, and so long as we don't encounter any significant issues, we'll send out the remaining surveys on Monday (the 24th).

For anyone who wanted to add to their pledge to pick up a set of dice, or the Game Moderator's Kit, this will be the perfect opportunity to do so, since Backerkit's system wouldn't let folks add those items during the live campaign. 

When the PDF is completed, we'll send that out to backers next, and once things have gone to press, we'll lock in your shipping addresses, and charge for any shipping fees once print production is underway! We'll also be sure to give everyone plenty of early warning before that's about to happen.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can always reach us at custserv AT greenronin, and we'll get things sorted out for you.

Fifth Season May 2023 Update
over 1 year ago – Tue, May 30, 2023 at 08:58:52 AM

Hello, all. It’s time for your Fifth Season Roleplaying update!

Core Rulebook: In Production, with Miroq Festival adventure In Edits. With the exception of the Miroq Festival scenario (which was a stretch goal from the campaign), this is all ready and in the capable hands of our production department, who handle the layout and art! Here in the coming months, we’ll hopefully be able to show off some of the lovely work they do.

Game Moderator’s Kit: In development. My main task at the moment is planning for the contents of the Game Moderator’s screens, and the cards that come with it. The bonus scenario in this kit, Ruin-Under is back from editing and looking great!

Map of the Stillness + Fifth Season Digital Map Pack: In outlines. Hiromi has been hard at work getting the notes necessary to allow our cartographers to make these happen. Once they’re all wrapped and good to go, we may even share them with y’all! Still hard at work on them currently, though.

Comms of the Stillness: In outlines. Planning phase is nearly done with this, and writing is about to start. Looking forward to creating some fun places for the PCs to call home…or to count as neighbors. 

Other Stretch Goal Projects: The other stretch goal projects are waiting in the wings for their turn on the table, and we’re anxious to get to them. More info soon!

~Joseph D. Carriker

Fifth Season April 2023 Update
over 1 year ago – Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 10:39:45 AM

Happy April, fans of The Stillness! Let’s get right into it.
Miroq Festival and Ruin-Under Adventures: To edits. Though I held back these adventures from seeing an editor to give me a chance to do a little creative reorganizing (mainly for both consistency between adventures and for ease of running), they’ll be in our editor’s hands by the end of this week! We’ll likely have them back by early May, which will make the core rulebook ready for production!
Game Moderator’s Kit: In development. With Ruin-Under headed to editing, this is our next focus: compiling the best and most useful GM’s screen we can.
Map of the Stillness: In development. The ever-delightful Hiromi Cota has undertaken the impressive task of putting together book and game references to every place in the Stillness so that we can work with a cartographer to build up our own map of the Broken Earth cycle’s setting.
In Outlines/Planning: Comms of the Stillness, Comm Creation Folio, People of the Stillness, and Fifth Season Digital Map Pack are in planning and outlining stages, but they’re next on the To Do List!
As always, thanks again for joining us and for your enthusiasm for this project. We can’t wait to show you everything we’ve got for you.

~Joseph D. Carriker

Fifth Season March 2023 Update
over 1 year ago – Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 11:53:23 AM

Is it really March already? Joseph Carriker is here with our monthly update to keep you informed of where we are in the process. One important note however is that the pledge manager is not quite ready for launch, as we are still negotiating the cheapest shipping rates possible, particularly for our international backers! But we should have more news there in the coming weeks.

Take it away, Joe!

Happy Spring, all! 
Firstly, we’d like to take a moment to thank all of you for your enthusiasm and support in this little campaign of ours. We’re excited about the possibilities of exploring N.K. Jemisin’s setting of The Stillness, especially using our AGE system.
(If you’re interested in some of the other new developments in AGE-land, take a look at the second edition of Fantasy AGE, now available for pre-order here: . You can get the PDF immediately with your pre-order for just $5 extra. Pre-order and start reading right away!)
Let’s take a look at this project’s status at the moment, shall we?
Fifth Season Core Rulebook: With the exception of an adventure added as a stretch goal, this book has been written and edited. We’re incorporating some of N.K. Jemisin’s feedback into the text and gearing up the Great Art Machine to start on some awesome visuals, in the Green Ronin tradition. Once Miroq Festival (see following) is through editing, we can get this bad boy into layout.
Miroq Festival Adventure: This excellent adventure by Alice Rendell was a stretch goal for the campaign. At this point, it has been developed and is about to go into edits. Once that is done, all the text for the core rulebook will be finished and ready to go (as mentioned above). 
Game Moderator’s Kit: In development. The bonus stretch goal adventure, Nell Raban’s excellent Ruin-Under, is written and developed, and about to go into edits alongside Miroq Festival
We’ve just started work outlining the other campaign rewards: Comms of the Stillness, Comm Creation Folio, People of the Stillness, and the Fifth Season Digital Map Pack. More details about these as we solidify them! We’ve got a lot of cool stuff to look forward to, and we’re excited to share it with you in the coming weeks.

~Joseph Carriker, 

Missed the campaign? It's not too late!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 02, 2023 at 11:02:06 AM

For anyone who may have missed the campaign, but still wanted to get a copy of the game, we have launched the Pre-Order Store on Backerkit!

Check it out right here!

Note that if you are already a backer, this is not the place to add things to an existing pledge. We'll have the pledge manager up and running soon, and that will be where you can add any dice, books, or the GM Kit to your pledge, as well as enter your shipping info.