
The Fifth Season RPG Pre-Order Store

Created by Green Ronin Publishing

N.K. Jemisin’s multiple Hugo Award-winning Broken Earth Trilogy comes to tabletop RPGs in The Fifth Season Roleplaying Game!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch Goal Unlocked! Comms of the Stillness
over 1 year ago – Sat, Feb 04, 2023 at 04:48:45 PM

We have unlocked another stretch goal!

Any pledge that includes a copy of the rulebook, will now receive a short PDF that details 8 ready-made comms that can be used as neighbors, allies, or rivals of the Player Characters' comm.

Next week we'll start rolling out a series of articles as updates to the campaign (as well as posting to our blog at, that will talk about some things that were left out of the Quickstart PDF, but are key elements of the rulebook, such as Comm/Character creation, game play, and even when your games are likely to take place with regards to the events of the novels. 

Thanks again for helping us make this campaign such a success!

Stretch Goal Unlocked! A New Adventure for the GM Kit!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 11:10:24 AM

That's THREE Adventures available from the start! (Core Rulebook, GM Kit and the Quickstart)

We'll have another update soon with the next stretch goal! Thank you so much, everyone!

New Stretch Goal! An Adventure for the Game Moderator's Kit!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 01:35:12 PM

At $120,000, we will add a complete adventure to the GM's Kit. This will let GMs start with three adventures at their disposal (one in the rulebook, one in the Quickstart, and one in the GM's Kit).

As a reminder, if you'd like to increase your pledge amount to have the funds available in the pledge manager to add the GM Kit, you can go to your user profile HERE, and adjust your pledge. This will help us unlock more stretch goals, but if you'd prefer to wait until after the campaign is over, you can do that too.

Game Moderator's Kit Unlocked!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 10:40:16 AM

Earlier this morning, we blew through our second stretch goal, and unlocked the GM Kit!

This campaign so far has surpassed our expectations (and then some!) so we're still working on the next stretch goal but should have that up later today.

For now, check out this mock-up for the Game Moderator's Kit that our production team put together for us!

New Stretch Goal! The Fifth Season RPG Game Moderator's Kit!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 10:37:41 AM

Everyone loves a good GM Screen, don't they? 

At $100,000 we'll unlock a Game Moderator's Kit to purchase as an add-on to your pledges. 

"This will include a three-panel hardback screen, useful reference cards, and more. Once unlocked, the GM's Kit will be available for purchase as an add-on in print and PDF formats."